Valentines Week Sale...

In true solemates...chicago fashion we are having a Valentines Week Sale. This is a perfect chance to get something for that special person in your life. If there isn't a special person take advantage of the sale and grab some goods that will attract that special person.
The sale starts Wednesday and ends Sunday. What are we offering you ask?
Buy one item and the second item at 50% off. The discount can be applied to items that are already on sale. The discount cannot be applied with consignment sneakers or found objects and culture snob jewelry and accessories.

The Brooklyn Circus, Public School, Cheap Monday, WeSC, Gourmet, Alife, Plain Gravy, In4mation, Free Gold Watch, Nooka, Cubannie Links, Rare Eyewear, and more!!!



Alrighty, ladies here's your chance to win a SMC specific colorway in the Cubannie Links "Freedom Tri-Rings"{ a $70 gift!}.
The details: Email us a drawing or description of the perfect CL and SMC collabo. You must be specific and keep in mind the direction and culture of both brands. The best idea wins the earrings, and may get the opportunity to see the concept come to fruition!
Guys you can enter too! We will ship the earrings, so you don't have to be in Chicago. We look forward to all of your ideas!!
A decision will be made soon.
For a bit of inspiration definitely scroll through our blog and check these sites...


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